


  • 2022夏

    今天是 2022年5月9日。在昨天我慌慌张张地写完了这个学期的最后一个final project,然后剩下的就是些收尾的零零碎碎的工作了。其实这么多年下来我一直有着写点什么的习惯,以前我会把我的很多想法分享在朋友圈里。但近两年好像不太愿意把自己的一些想法表达在什么地方了。但我很高兴我算是养成了写日记的习惯,从2018年记到现在,断断续续已经有四年了。这证明我还是很愿意去写点什么,去记录点自己的想法和感受。这几年记的日记大部分就一两句话,然后时不时的多写几句话作为小总结。但是像之前那样一下子去记录半年或者一年之中我的领会和感受的文章,已经很久很久没写过了。但今天早上起床出门的时候,脑袋里面突然就崩出来了几个字:


  • 20年的瞎想

    在网络世界 大家只是在不断寻找喷的机会 至于喷的是什么 该不该喷 自己有没有喷的资格 大家是不会管的。

    喷的领头人有些人是真的没什么其他想法,确实愤恨。 但是有更多的人通过带这个节奏获取了更多的利益。利用大部分人跟风的心理把社会搞得一团糟然后从中牟利,这种人是可耻的。至于跟风的人为什么要喷,因为喷着爽,因为有群体认同感,因为有自我认同感。至于喷的东西本身如何 其实大部分人是看不懂的…

  • 我的2018


    我不想比较负面 但 2018对我来说 真的是 无比糟糕 却因为这份“无比糟糕” 才算是有所成长…

Graduate School Application

  • Statement of Purpose - Draft 1

    I am currently an undergraduate student in Statistics and Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign (UIUC). During my four-years of college study, I have completed many excellent and useful courses, including the high-level courses on artificial intelligence and computer vision, and I got a high GPA in these years study (3.95/4.0). Besides the course works, I...

  • Statement of Purpose - Draft 3

    Statement of Purpose

    I am currently an undergraduate student majoring in Statistics and Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign (UIUC). During my four-years of college study, I have completed several advanced courses in artificial intelligence and computer vision and received a high GPA (3.95/4.0). Besides the course work, I had two software engineer internships: one as...

  • Statement of Purpose - Draft 2

    Statement of Purpose

    I am currently an undergraduate student majoring in Statistics and Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign (UIUC). During my four-years of college study, I have completed several high-level courses on artificial intelligence and computer vision and received a high GPA (3.95/4.0). Besides the course work, I had two software engineer internships: one as...

  • Personal Statement

    It all started when I saw the most breathtaking possibility in the launch of HoloLens I millions of people’s lives in this century. As a Generation Z boy who grew up surrounded by numerous electronic devices, I naturally developed a keen interest in computer science and dreamed to stand on the stage of a product event, like Steve Jobs, to...

  • Personal Statement - revised

    Carnegie Mellon University is my top choice graduate school. My candidacy reflects my exceptional leadership abilities and enthusiasm for computer science. I regard myself as a developer and researcher who can contribute to the world. This is evidenced by my experience of building a successful game studio and an international film and television translation team from scratch, as well as...
